Support hour rollover policy: web or services

Support hours only roll over to the next month if you participate in a 30-minute check-in meeting that will be pulled from your available support hous. If the meeting is not attended, you will not lose previously accrued hours, but you will not keep the hours for the month missed into the next month. Bulk purchased hours, or already accumulated hours will not degrade or be removed except for in trade of services or expiration of a closed account. 

Consequently, if you accumulate support hours over a period of three months, you will retain three months’ worth of hours and have the fourth month’s hours available for use during that month. If you subsequently miss the fourth month meeting, in the fifth month, you will have only the three month’s accumulated hours in addition to the added hours for the fifth month. 

In the event of the client’s departure, any remaining hours may be redeemed for storage credits, special packaging credits for a different content management system (CMS), training for the new person who is receiving the packaged site, or a marketing product of equivalent value. These hours must be utilized within thirty (30) days following the termination of their relationship or contract, whichever occurs sooner; or they will be forfeited from the closed account.