Support hour usage limitations : web or services

The hours available for use may be allocated for training, custom-built items billed per hour, and marketing services billed per hour. Larger feature request will be treated as a new project that must be defined and documented in a formal estimate. Clients are entitled to six free project estimates per year.

Broken functions – here defined as not functioning as the developer designed, and does not refer to functionalities that do not meet the client’s personal expectations – do not require support hours and are covered under standard support. 

Service hour usage and scheduling is a collaboration between the client and SFC, and may not be guaranteed during requested periods, especially high demand or emergent periods. Additionally, any late meeting requests requiring scheduling outside of normal operating hours will incur charges at a rate of one and one-half (1.5) hours for each hour spent addressing them. This provision does not apply to emergencies, such as a malfunctioning site or function during a launch occurring outside of operating hours. While we recommend conducting thorough testing of new functionalities and releases prior to public launch, we acknowledge that unforeseen issues arise and will address such matters promptly under standard support.