all – Copyright Ownership and Compliance

Ownership of content, defined here as videos, images, plugins, scripts, articles, and documents, notwithstanding their free or paid availability, shall remain with its original creator unless you have obtained legal ownership over said content. We maintain a strict policy against copyright infringement and do not tolerate such violations. Utilizing photos, videos, text, or any other media without proper authorization constitutes plagiarism and/or copyright infringement, which may jeopardize not only your business but also ours.

In the event that we are notified of such violations, we will initiate a review of your website and remove any infringing materials. Continued infringement may result in further actions, including, but not limited to, revocation of your hosting service without refund and denial of future contracts or subscriptions of any kind.

Should you believe that your copyright has been infringed upon by another website, we encourage you to contact the infringing party promptly. For general inquiries regarding copyright, please consult our educational materials. For specific legal instances, we recommend seeking advice from a qualified attorney.