All applicable charges will be clearly outlined for each item prior to their incurrence.
License fees – These fees encompass nonrefundable group licenses and services, as well as individual site licenses provided by third-party developers. Accordingly, you may cancel subscriptions at any time up to 48 hours prior to the renewal date; however, we do not offer refunds for any website subscription license or licensing services, regardless of whether it includes a group, single, or internal license.
Setup fees – nonrefundable following the completion of the first milestone. Prior to reaching the first milestone, the amount refundable is the amount remaining after the hours worked and procured licenses have been deducted from the payment.
Support services – nonrefundable after one month from the date of purchase. Refunds requested prior to the deadlines will incur a fee based on the time from purchase: within one week of purchase – 15%, eight days to one month 50%.
Please be advised that any online payment processors fees, including but not limited to those charged by Stripe or PayPal, may be nonrefundable to us even in the event a full refund is issued.