Should you decide to discontinue the use of our subscription services, you may request that we prepare your website for deployment on your own hosting service. This preparation, herein referred to as the “Website Exit Package,” shall include a version of your website containing all content that you own, along with any individual licenses. The package will also provide instructions for you or your designated developer on how to deploy your site.
Any group licenses or plugins that are proprietary to SFC will be deactivated and/or removed from the Website Exit Package. Consequently, unless you elect to procure your own licenses for each of these plugins, the functionality of the site may be diminished, as the licenses facilitate the operation of specific features. You will receive a comprehensive list of licenses that will remain and/or need to be replaced to ensure that your site operates with the same functionality as it does on our servers as part of your Website Exit Package.
We guarantee that all content that is your property will be included in the Website Exit Package; however, we do not guarantee the retention of any functions associated with any third party licenses or inactive proprietary licenses after it leaves our servers.
We will package the website, but the responsibility of to transfer and set up the website on the new system will be assumed by the service provider assuming our role.
The Website Exit Package will be maintained in our system for no more than thirty (30) days after the discontinuation, and stored for no more than six (6) months to facilitate a smooth transition to the service provider assuming our role. You may request that the content and account be deleted prior to that date. See Section 8(c).
Check section 6C for support hour details prior to account termination.