Ticket response times and submission process: all

Prioritization of Tickets: Ticket response times are critical and will be prioritized based on severity, type, age, and time to resolution. 

Resolution Times: Resolution times for tickets, regardless of standard or premium support packages, are as follows:

Security or Full Site Failures: Twenty-four (24) hours from confirmation of the issue.

Bug/Error Reports: Three (3) business days for internal resolution or escalation to software developer.

UI/UX Issues and Graphics Changes: Five (5) business days.

Performance Issues: Ten (10) business days.

Feature Requests: No predetermined resolution time; will be added to the feature request pool for future consideration and no guarantee of completion. 

Tickets on Hold: The timer for a ticket will stop during the period it is designated as “on hold.” A ticket may be placed on hold for the following reasons:

It requires external resources or information from the client or third parties;

It is contingent upon an event outside our control;

The client has determined the issue to be of lower priority and prefers to wait for resolution;

The legality of the matter is in question and must be reviewed.

Tickets in Distress: A ticket is “in distress” if unresolved or lacking updates within the specified timeframe. Clients may receive compensation of up to one (1) month of premium support, not exceeding three (3) hours for each unrelated ticket in distress. 

Ticket Submission: Any individual may submit tickets via designated contact forms. Changes to site operations require client approval unless categorized as feature requests, which will be pooled for future development. If a client submits an excessive number of non-emergent tickets simultaneously, those tickets will be placed on hold until a meeting can occur to discuss them as a project.

Management and Closure of Tickets:

Ticket statistics will be available to administrators upon request.

Duplicate tickets will be closed.

Users may submit tickets directly through backend forms.

Tickets will be closed after two (2) weeks of inactivity. Reopened tickets will be assigned a severity level not exceeding that of the original report