Overall Change Log

In our latest round of reviews, we realized that all of our websites could use some upgrades that will benefit our customers. Though we have sent out a shortened version of this, we wanted to make sure you had access to the full change log.

  • Updated google analytics connection
    • Ensured connection was stable and pointing correctly for more accurate analytics. Also helps seo!
  • Upgraded Elementor to Pro
    • Some sites had not yet been upgraded to the full Elementor Pro that is standard for all of our sites. This also allowed us to remove some problematic extensions that were doing similar things with more memory and more issues.
  • Upgraded Nelio to Pro
    • Nelio finally has package deals! That means that if you didn’t have pro before, you do now! And if you did have it before, that means your annual license bill just got removed.
  • Login page upgraded
    • To keep the trust of your customers, we have removed or replaced the standard WordPress login that looks to new customers like they are being taken away from your site. We have replaced the page with one that is in branded to look exactly like your current website so there is no confusion. We have also reduced the login and registration pages to a single page with a single form that defaults to the login with an option of clicking on registration. This reduced the amount of issues with people registering multiple times instead of logging in.
  • Removed WPForms login forms
    • Elementor pro includes a single login/register form so these forms are not needed. The elementor pro form also cuts down on robot and phantom registrations
  • WPForms contact form check
    • We have checked that the email the notifications are being sent to is in our records as some have changed in the last year.
    • Ensure the contact form has a captcha to keep robots and spam minimized
  • Page checks
    • We have included boilerplate Privacy Policy pages for you to review with your lawyer and post. For more information on the contents of the Privacy Policy and how it works, contact us. We cannot guide you in the legal requirements, but we can walk you through why content we have added is there and why you may need a privacy policy.
    • An xml sitemap has been added for the search engines to be able to more easily index your site. This helps with SEO by giving them a roadmap to your site. This page is automatically updated by the system and can be ignored by you.
  • Footer check
    • We encourage everyone to have a footer menu with at least contact, privacy policy, and return policy if available. We have created an optional menu for you to use in these cases.
  • Page upgrades
    • We have upgraded our packages to include a collection of account pages for your customers.
    • For any pages that are missing, we have added them to your site as drafts for you to review and publish if you are comfortable with their appearance.
  • Administrative checks
    • We have made sure all sites have:
      • a current SSL and are on a subscription plan
      • a higher than default upload max
      • a detailed daily, weekly, and monthly backup schedule according to your subscription


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