1. Payment Plans

  1. Refunds -

    We offer payment plans and options of all kinds to ensure our services are affordable and accessible to you. We also ensure that you are notified in advance of your subscription renewal. These charges will be outlined within each item before any charges occur. As soon as the items are paid for, many go straight to other licenses and fees. For this reason, you may cancel subscriptions at any time up to 48 hours before the subscription renewal, however we do not offer refunds.
  2. Late Fees -

    For any and all subscriptions, if payment is not remitted on time, the site will be hidden behind an "Under Construction" wall and editing privileges will be removed until payment is given. Updates and other management will cease. After 3 months of nonpayment, your site may be taken down for security purposes. If your site is taken down, you will need to pay a reinstatement fee to process the backdated updates needed.

2. Subscription Setup

  1. Required Materials -

    For setup to be successful we require a variety of materials from your business, including branding and marketing materials, to populate the website. These materials should be brought to the setup meeting or submitted via the setup form. If all materials are brought during this meeting, we guarantee to have your site subscription set up and functional with your content up within one week of this date. If the materials are not brought on time, we cannot guarantee this date.
  2. Training -

    Courses with walkthrough videos, hands on exercises and quizzes are included. The course "Welcome to your New Site" must be passed before admin credentials are given to ensure full site satisfaction. These courses will be available for your employees for any future training. If you are found to be giving access to others outside of your organization, you will be charged an access fee of $150 for each individual each month.

3. Website Content and Control

  1. Our Access -

    See privacy.
  2. Copyright -

    Using photos, videos, text, or other media that you do not have permission to use is plagiarism and/or copyright infringement. This not only jeopardizes your business, but mine as well. If I am alerted that this is happening, I will put your website under review and delete the offending material. We have no tolerance for copyright infringement, however we include educational information on copyright and tips on how to avoid it within our systems. If infringement continues, there will be further consequences up to and including revoking your website access without refund and denying future contracts or subscriptions of any kind.
  3. Hate Speech -

    You have full control over your content and we will not change content after setup unless requested as a part of a further service. While you have full control over the content and substance of your site, there are civil limits while under this subscription. If your site contains hate speech proclaiming intolerance, inciting violence against others, or similar content, you will be contacted, your site taken down, your domain may or may not be returned to you before its natural expiration, and you will not be given a refund for any fees rendered, including any fees tendered for future services not yet performed.
  4. Storage -

    Your subscription does include unlimited storage for your site, meaning the files that your site uses. This does not include unlimited universal storage. If your site is deemed by our staff to be misusing storage, you will be contacted about purchasing extra storage space.
  5. Our responsibility -

    As part of the subscription service, it is our responsibility to: create and store 7 days worth of revolving daily backups and one revolving monthly backup; offer security for logins including password strength restrictions and attempt counters; offer anti virus and spam protection; offer introductory training; offer training materials in text or video format; ensure you are informed about security or other issues with your site; ensure you are informed about sales and other visits to your site with analytics; perform system updates. During set up, we will also create a number of items for your site including posts, pages, events, and other WordPress content based or copied from the materials you provide in the set up meeting - the limit of these listed in the descriptions of each of the QuickSite descriptions. After these creations, all content on your site will be your responsibilities.
  6. Ownership -

    For any and all website subscriptions, you will own your domain name from the very first purchase and can claim it at any time without fees. If you decide to remove your site from our care, we will create a package that includes all of your content. However, any and all premium licenses that are a part of your subscription will be removed. Any premium content you have purchased on your own will remain yours.

4. Privacy

  1. Non Disclosure -

    During our business relationship, we will learn about you and your company. Any information about proprietary processes, products or other sensitive information will not be sold, nor otherwise shared or discussed, with entities not listed within this contract. We will also not post content to your site, edit, or remove content from your site unless it falls under 3.II or 3.III. We will also not share content from your site that has not been published.
  2. Our Access -

    While we will maintain a user account for your site, this will be reserved only for future service that you may request. This account cannot be deleted from subscription sites. We use a monitoring system to update functions, maintain security, and otherwise ensure the functions you are subscribing to continue to work. While the monitoring system does allows us to see published and unpublished content from your site, we will not interfere or otherwise engage with your content unless it falls under 3.II or 3.III.
  3. Removal -

    If at any time you wish to remove yourself from our records, you must cease all of your subscriptions with us then transfer your personal domain away from our server before we can complete the removal. Then you may contact us by phone or email and we will ensure all of your payment, subscription, and newsletter records are wiped.
  4. Contact -
    As a part of your subscription you are automatically subscribed to a monthly status email about your site. This is not something you can unsubscribe from as it contains pertinent information about your sites security, sales, and rankings. You will also receive a quarterly email from Solarflare Creative which will include any updates on new pricing, new products or services, etc. We do not advise

By signing below, you denote that you understand and agree to the terms above in regards to any Website Subscriptions you enter into with us. Please note that if you do not have authority to sign for the company below, this contract will not be considered valid.

Digital Signature

By entering your name below, you understand and agree that this will be used as a binding signature for this document, and that you understand and agree to the terms within the document.