Don’t Let COVID-19 Break Your Business!

With the many cautions, closures, and cancellations that are being recommended by the CDC and enacted by our local governments, many businesses are getting hit. You do not have to be though! Your customers might be staying at home, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get to you and your products and offerings. We know not all customers that are staying home will be spending money. However, many will be looking for some way to pass the time, and your products could answer their needs.


Let us help you during this tough time for businesses:

  • If you sell, provide, or offer any item that can be done digitally and don’t have the systems to support it, we can help.
  • If you have the systems, but don’t have the products set up, we can help.
  • If you have the systems, have the products, but need support, we can help.
  • If you have no idea where to start, but want to offer digital products, we can help


Here are examples of things that you can sell online:

  • Services that can be done over the phone, video chat, or other digital platform
    • Consultations,
  • Courses, classes
    • Videos, PowerPoints, and other documents can be turned into classes and sold!
  • Video, audio, documents
    • Have songs, meditations, how to videos, or other things of your own that aren’t classes but still can be sold? If you have an establishment, you can also do free “tours” and “spotlights” as videos on facebook and your site to keep people invested in your store.
  • Physical products
    • There’s always shipping, and pick up! Minimize your exposure by offering shipping and setting up post office pickup from your door.
  • Books
    • Finally ready to get that ebook of yours published? Now’s the best time while everyone is stuck indoors looking for something to do. Get self-published, post on amazon and your site, and you are ready to sell.
  • Art
    • Does your company have artists? Do you or your employees create comics for fun? Check out places like Webtoon where you can put up comics and people can buy quicker access.
  • Content subscriptions
    • Offer more than one of the above? Start a subscription service so they can either have access to everything for a monthly fee, or get new things every month for a fee, etc. This can be done through your site, or sites like Patreon if you are an artist.


We know this is not the time you want to be spending a lot of money, so we are also:

  • Lowering all digital setups by 30% with the code CORONASUCKS. Does not apply to licenses.
  • Offering free Tech Night webinars every Thursday on our site


Call us today to discuss and start digital commerce implementations for your website. If you have any questions about any of our products, services, or how we will conduct meetings during this time, please contact us.

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