New Support Tiers, Coming August!

We are always looking for better ways to serve you, and now we are adding another tier of support just for you! Due to increasing demand for extended support, we will be restructuring our support tiers and adding a third tier (Elite Support) which includes content management, available Aug 7. We will also be adding better access to online courses,increasing available training hours, and much more. Having an extra tier also gives us greater possibilities when planning future additions to our support. We hope that these changes will better serve you and your business!

The restructure will not affect subscribers that keep their current subscription plans active, but will affect new subscribers. This means that if a subscription lapses after the 7th of August, you will need to choose from one of the new tiers to continue support. Once the plans are active, you can also change to these new tiers at any if you wish to.

If you have questions over any of the features across the plans, please do not hesitate to contact us here.  The new support tiers will replace the current ones automatically on the 7th, so make sure to add the date to your calendar to get the newest support subscriptions!

If you would like to see our current subscriptions, please check them out at our store here.


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See something missing? Let us know what you would like to see in our support packages, and we will see how we can help! We want to make sure that we help make your business easier!


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